Our Strategy

Ministry Leader Application (MLA)

Make a recurring monthly gift of any amount as an Automatic Monthly Partner. AMP's are the foundation of our funding as they allow staff to plan for the year to come. You can support an individual staff member or the Greater Nashville Area as a whole!

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E3 Training

Some donors feel led to give a one-time gift rather than a monthly donation. One time gifts can be made by check or online by clicking the "donate" button. You can choose to bless an individual staff member or the Greater Nashville office as a whole.

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E.R.O.I Giving Options

To host our annual Golf Classic and Breakfast, we partner with several individual and corporate sponsors who believe in the mission of FCA. You can choose a giving package that secures sponsorship at whichever event you choose along with other benefits.

If you'd like to give in other ways such as a stock or vehicle gift, you can learn more here and contact us by filling out the form above.

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